Global Air Freight & Cargo Experts!

With rapid economic growth and advanced logistics worldwide, we are here to be your reliable logistics partner. At Icarus and its subsidiaries and partners, we specialize in air freight, air charter, and ground expedited freight services on a global scale. Count on our experienced team, advanced technologies, and extensive network to ensure your cargo’s safe and efficient transportation. Experience excellence in air freight with Icarus

Ocean Freight: 

With extensive experience in the water shipping industry, we offer unparalleled solutions backed by expertise in global transportation, warehousing, distribution, vessel bookings, and customs clearance. Our mission is to deliver ultimate quality services and ensure customer satisfaction at every step.

We believe in simplifying our customers’ experience by providing the best possible service and keeping them informed throughout the process of exporting and importing goods worldwide. Our commitment to professionalism drives us to deliver timely and reliable shipping, transportation, and trading services, all within your budget.

Land Freight: 

Trucking stands out as the most sought-after transport service in the market, providing direct delivery of cargo to the buyer’s doorstep. Unlike railway transport, it offers the advantage of not requiring a strict timetable for traffic. We seamlessly integrate land transport execution with expert management services to cater to all your road transportation needs.

Specializing in Land freight forwarding services primarily across the Middle East and Europe, we take pride in offering our clients authoritative and efficient solutions. Our priority is to ensure the shortest possible transport period, guaranteeing timely and reliable delivery for your cargo. Experience the power of efficient trucking solutions with us, where we prioritize your satisfaction and ensure a smooth journey for your goods.