Global Air Freight & Cargo Experts!

Global Air Freight & Cargo Experts! With rapid economic growth and advanced logistics worldwide, we are here to be your reliable logistics partner. At Icarus and its subsidiaries and partners, we specialize in air freight, air charter, and ground expedited freight services on a global scale. Count on our experienced team, advanced technologies, and extensive…

Shipping and Trading solution

Shipping and Trading solution Through our official collaboration with Seven Seas Group, a mature international freight and trade company, we proudly offer a wide range of transportation and trading services to various sectors worldwide. Leveraging our diverse partnerships and joint ventures with global trade and transport partners, we ensure high-quality and customized transportation solutions to…

Petroleum Product

Petroleum product Crude Oil Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons that exists in liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities. This naturally occurring, yellowish-black liquid found in geological formations beneath the Earth’s surface. It is commonly refined into various types of fuels. Components…

Revolutionizing the Energy Landscape !

Revolutionizing the Energy Landscape ! We are proud to announce our official collaboration with Unigaz, a renowned industry leader in the gas sector. Together, we have embarked on an exciting journey to exploit the gas field, creating a world of new opportunities in gas networking and infrastructure development. Our commitment to excellence drives us to…

Oil and Gaz Services and Supply

Oil and Gaz Services and Supply At Icarus, we are your premier source for an extensive range of high-quality petroleum products. With products available all year round, we offer a diverse selection that includes JetA-1, TS1, JP8, AvGas, Diesel En-590 in variations of 10ppm, 50ppm, 5000ppm, as well as Crude and Light Crude Oil. As…